Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Ms Parker in Korea!: Suncheon Weekend BBQ

Ms Parker in Korea!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Suncheon Weekend BBQ

Right, so I brought my camera, but didn't take it out... so no photos! :(

On Saturday morning, I went up to Suncheon for a BBQ and to visit Nina. The bus ride started off annoyingly, with a woman who stared at me, read over my shoulder, and tried to engage me in broken English conversation ("Where is go?"), then fell asleep on my shoulder! Agggggh!

Nina picked me up from the bus station and we headed to Homeplus, where I saw one of my old students from 2 years ago working there. It was nice to be recognized by a kid who last saw me over a year ago -- he's not the first former student I've seen. A few months ago, some girls recognized me in the Gwangju bus terminal and we all posed for pictures - fun.

In preparation for the BBQ, hosted by Chris and Melissa (I used to work with Melissa), Nina and I raided her fridge and cupboards and made pies (lemon meringue* and chocolate cream), bruschetta and salmon in foil.

Chris had also made tons of food, and had invited his TaeKwonDo boys over too - a bunch of little grade school boys, running around and squealing -- apparently, they had shown up at his place at 9am, but he told them to come back at 5pm. They were cool, though. Nina taught them how to make bruschetta, and we introduced them to the concept of a hotdog in a bun with condiments.

Anyway, the BBQ was awesome - lots of food and great conversation. I especially enjoyed myself because just about every person who was there had been in Korea for ages - it was "Old Skool Suncheon", with a few new faces, but mostly a nice reconnection with old friends.

*Yes, this is the proper spelling, even though it looks weird. Also, Nina and I learned to read and follow the directions before attempting to make meringue, since it's really hard to do...


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