Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Ms Parker in Korea!: Blessed

Ms Parker in Korea!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I don't even know where to begin.

I had plans for a wildly long and amazing blog entry, detailing every little thing I've been doing for the past few weeks.... Now, however I am not feeling so verbose, and so will let the pictures do the talking instead.

Andy and Suze's Farewell Party in Suncheon last weekend

Andy in a kilt - he's allowed, being a Scot and all.

Me and Suze - TKD partners.

I also had to say goodbye to Jeannie!

Michelle, Jeannie and Suze getting all Charlie's Angels.

Me and Melissa - I think I'm overdoing the Korean "self-cam" thing.

Random Camp Pictures

Two of my girls

Boys - posturing on a random motorbike.
The kid with the helmet is "Coca-Cola" (his English name).

Me and Emanuel - we became great friends during the camp.

This past weekend, I was in Gwangju with just about everyone that I know and love in Jeollanamdo. At one point, I got the surprise of my life when my eyes were covered in a "guess who?" sort of way..... and I turned around to see NICOLA. Yes, after quite a few wonderful adventures hither and yon, she's returned to Korea (to MOKPO). Annnnnnnnd, everybody knew! Well, except me. And how is that possible? I mean, like, wow!

It was a bit of a noisy reunion....



Feeling rather blessed at the moment, like everything is just falling quite naturally and beautifully into place.

Oh, and here's another reason why I've been a bit busy lately:



  • Babysitting a boy named Tyrone, are we?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 AM  

  • Cradle robbing at its finest.

    By Blogger Ms Parker, at 8:08 AM  

  • what's a 'tyrone'?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:31 AM  

  • Is he asking you to cut his meat up for him in this picture?

    By Blogger Char, at 10:20 AM  

  • Ahhhhh - He's really not *that* young!!!

    Okay, yes... This picture makes him look like he's 9. Damn. Must find a better photo.

    By Blogger Ms Parker, at 10:23 AM  

  • there is no way i'd ever top that "cutting up meat" comment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:01 AM  

  • just tack him on at the end of a long wonderful post with nothing more said, why don't you.
    Your blog is totally belying your over-the-top gushing and cooing about him in real life :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:15 PM  

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